For over 100 years, the Fresno City & County Historical Society has worked to bring life to the variegated tapestry of our region by collecting, preserving, and holding in public trust the stories, records and artifacts that document the rich heritage of the people of Fresno and the Central Valley of California. We provide the community with educational opportunities through multi-cultural curriculum, oral histories in several languages, diverse events, ethnic and artistic exhibitions and by making our collections available for study and research. The Fresno City & County Historical Society encourages and promotes the preservation and conservation of our community's historic and traditional resources in order to better understand our past and capture our present for the benefit of the generations yet to come.

Thank You
to these generous donors
Founders' Circle Member
The Estate of Lewis and Virginia Eaton
Ms. Sayre Miller
Mr. Paul Gibson and Ms. Joan Eaton
Mrs. Bernice Woolf
Claude and Betty Lou Laval and Family
William & Linda Smittcamp
Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce
Leon S. Peters Foundation
Mrs. Susan McClatchy
Ms. Desa Belyea
Ms. Janell Boldt
Kearney Council Member
Mr. Neil Burson
Mr. John Chandler
Dr. Lee & Mrs. Carol Copeland
Mr. Brad & Mrs. Linda Fischer
Mr. Bryan Griffith
Mr. James & Mrs. Coke Hallowell
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Lori Hunter
Mrs. Mary Howard
Mr. Rodger Jensen
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Elizabeth Kimball
Mrs. Tamsen Munger
Honorable Robert H. & Mrs. Stephanie Oliver
Mr. Don & Mrs. Judy Peracchi
Ms. Christina Perryman
Mr. Chris & Mrs. Sarah Woolf
Ms. Katie Zenovich
Zenith Insurance Company
Legacy Member
Ms. Caroline Arakelian
Mr. Peter & Mrs. Lynn Baldwin
Mr. Glenn Barber
Mr. John Brock
Mr. Michael Chappell
Mr. William Conway
Ms. Michelle DenBeste
Mr. William Eaton
Mr. John & Mrs. Carole Harris
Mr. Richard Johanson
Ms. Mary Lee Levy
Mr. Paul & Mrs. Kathy Mesple
Mr. Edwin & Mrs. Kristan O'Neill
Mr. Donald & Mrs. Judith Peracchi
Mr. Jim and Mrs. Elaine Salvatore
Dr. Gregory Simpson
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Shelly Woolf
The Fresno City & County Historical Society is funded in part by the City of Fresno Measure P Expanded Access to Arts and Culture Fund administered by the Fresno Arts Council.”

"M. Theo Kearney, President of the Raisin Growers Association, is a very able gentleman and one with strong convictions and a faculty for expressing them in no uncertain language."
San Jose Mercury News, June 1, 1901

City of Fresno 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee, 1960. Donated by Van Dyne families of Fresno County.